Tag Archives: make-the-web

New Left Media At The Tax Day Tea Party Protests

The New Left Media folks interview the increasingly disconcerting masses that make up the Tea Party movement at their tax day protests. You may or may not agree with their politics, but you can't deny how fascinating their antics are. The Best Links: Via Boing Boing Watch

New Feature! BuzzFeed Just Got A Lot More Social!

TECH BUZZ : Facebook just launched a new feature to make the web more social and BuzzFeed is a launch partner! Test out the new “Like” buttons and let us know what you think. Once you start using this awesome new feature, you'll be able to see which posts your friends like the most, and which posts are the most “liked” on the whole site. You also can “Like” individual users by clicking the “Like” button on their profile page. Let's all Like each other! Read