Tag Archives: makes-it-worth

Kate Hudson’s Bikini Ass of the Day

Devil woman, serial dater, mom of multiple kids with multiple partners, rich kid, turned bloated weird looking, crackhead celebrity of her own, who went through all kinds of A-List penis…even turning some of them sucidal….Kate Hudson….the girl who was passed on the Goldie Hawn booty…even though she’s tried so hard to ruin it….is on the beach in the bikini…and it’s not as good as it was back before she violated her womb with future criminals and addicts….in fact…it’s even weird looking…but luckily the whole bikini thing makes it worth staring at… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kate Hudson’s Bikini Ass of the Day

We Are Handsome’s Swimwear Shoot of the Day

People hate that I put up catalog shoots for lingerie companies, bikini companies, of unknown models half naked…because I like to celebrate models getting paid a decent day rate that makes it worth taking time off their waitressing jobs….promoting for companies who don’t pay me…more than I like posting on celebrity trash that are barely hot….and that the media shoves down our fucking throats…trying to make us think they matter..when in the grand scheme of things…they fucking don’t matter at all….but I guess you could argue that nothing fucking matters, we are insignificant and it is the end of the world…if not officially…it might as well be…since we are just little blips on the radar that are alive for a split second in the history of humanity…but that would be fucking depressing…so look at these Australians modeling funny bikinis and bathings suits instead…cuz they make our short time here more fun.

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We Are Handsome’s Swimwear Shoot of the Day