Tag Archives: catalog-shoots

Candice Swanepoel’s Russell James Outtakes of the Day

These are outtakes of Candice Swanepoel from some Russell James pictures… That’s all that needs to be said… I mean other than that this guy shoots all of Victoria’s Secret stuff, meaning he is the guy behind all the shitty catalog shoots, but in his spare time he creates this kind of nipples filled magic…making me wonder why a little more of this, his actual work…isn’t applied to that…his money making sell out work…and the whole thing is upsetting…it’s like no nipples for Victoria’s Secret, because it is against the American Christian way…and distributing nipples to households around America would be considered obscene and would bite into profits…so instead of taking a stance to help lighten people up about tits…let’s just photoshop nipples out of our sheer sweatshop underwear – and pretend people don’t have them…anatomy revisionists for Christ…even though the owners of Victoria’s Secret are Jewish… But at least someone, one of their own, Russell James, is taking advantage of the models willing to get naked on camera…and taking those pictures…that need to be taken…all while financed by Victoria’s Secret…so I guess they aren’t as bad as their catalogs make them out to be…but then again I am not one of their factory workers…I’m strictly basing my opinion on these nipples.

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Candice Swanepoel’s Russell James Outtakes of the Day

Candice Swanepoel’s Russell James Outtakes of the Day

These are outtakes of Candice Swanepoel from some Russell James pictures… That’s all that needs to be said… I mean other than that this guy shoots all of Victoria’s Secret stuff, meaning he is the guy behind all the shitty catalog shoots, but in his spare time he creates this kind of nipples filled magic…making me wonder why a little more of this, his actual work…isn’t applied to that…his money making sell out work…and the whole thing is upsetting…it’s like no nipples for Victoria’s Secret, because it is against the American Christian way…and distributing nipples to households around America would be considered obscene and would bite into profits…so instead of taking a stance to help lighten people up about tits…let’s just photoshop nipples out of our sheer sweatshop underwear – and pretend people don’t have them…anatomy revisionists for Christ…even though the owners of Victoria’s Secret are Jewish… But at least someone, one of their own, Russell James, is taking advantage of the models willing to get naked on camera…and taking those pictures…that need to be taken…all while financed by Victoria’s Secret…so I guess they aren’t as bad as their catalogs make them out to be…but then again I am not one of their factory workers…I’m strictly basing my opinion on these nipples.

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Candice Swanepoel’s Russell James Outtakes of the Day

Fanny Francois in the Worst Lingerie Catalog Ever of the Day

Fanny Francois is from Belgium, she is signed to an agency, which isn’t saying much, considering I know fat girls signed to agencies, because it doesn’t cost agencies money to sign a girl, but they can make money if the girl goes onto have sex with the right people…. She probably lives in New York with the other models, in some one room apartment, where they slam 12 young dumb babes into until they start making money for the company, but where they usually just develop insecurities, a coke addiction and a need to fuck rockstars to get out of the hell they are living…. But sometimes, they get jobs, that they get excited for, because finally they have 500 dollars to put on their credit card…and here’s Fanny Francois, a model who may not be all that low level, I am too lazy to look it up, looking like she was pulled out of the gutter, thrown into panties and photoshopped to shit. I have an healthy obsession with hating catalog shoots, and this is the worst of seen, so bad it’s good.

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Fanny Francois in the Worst Lingerie Catalog Ever of the Day

Heidi Montag is Still in Staged Bikini Pics for the Paparazzi of the Day

If you’re wondering what Heidi Montag has been up to …. and I know you haven’t been….because she barely exists in the grand scheme of things…but she’s trying…trying so fucking hard…just to get people to pay even just a little attention to her….even though her celebrity has run its course…but if you’re the one weirdo who cares…she’s been staging bikini pics for the paparazzi in hopes that sites write about her….and I’m a sucker for bikini pics…so here they are to start the miserable day. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Heidi Montag is Still in Staged Bikini Pics for the Paparazzi of the Day

Heidi Montag is Still in Staged Bikini Pics for the Paparazzi of the Day

If you’re wondering what Heidi Montag has been up to …. and I know you haven’t been….because she barely exists in the grand scheme of things…but she’s trying…trying so fucking hard…just to get people to pay even just a little attention to her….even though her celebrity has run its course…but if you’re the one weirdo who cares…she’s been staging bikini pics for the paparazzi in hopes that sites write about her….and I’m a sucker for bikini pics…so here they are to start the miserable day. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Heidi Montag is Still in Staged Bikini Pics for the Paparazzi of the Day

We Are Handsome’s Swimwear Shoot of the Day

People hate that I put up catalog shoots for lingerie companies, bikini companies, of unknown models half naked…because I like to celebrate models getting paid a decent day rate that makes it worth taking time off their waitressing jobs….promoting for companies who don’t pay me…more than I like posting on celebrity trash that are barely hot….and that the media shoves down our fucking throats…trying to make us think they matter..when in the grand scheme of things…they fucking don’t matter at all….but I guess you could argue that nothing fucking matters, we are insignificant and it is the end of the world…if not officially…it might as well be…since we are just little blips on the radar that are alive for a split second in the history of humanity…but that would be fucking depressing…so look at these Australians modeling funny bikinis and bathings suits instead…cuz they make our short time here more fun.

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We Are Handsome’s Swimwear Shoot of the Day