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Henry Cavill Calls ‘Superman’ Co-Star Amy Adams ‘Fantastic’

‘Immortals’ actor talks to MTV News at WonderCon in his first on-camera interview since being cast as the Man of Steel. By Aly Semigran, with reporting by Josh Horowitz Henry Cavill at WonderCon 2011 Photo: Getty Images In his first on-camera interview since being cast as Superman in Zack Snyder’s reboot, the new Man of Steel, actor Henry Cavill, chatted about everything from his research for the part to what it will be like working with his Lois Lane, Amy Adams . MTV News caught up with Cavill at WonderCon 2011, where he was promoting his upcoming film “Immortals,” in which he plays a Greek warrior. Turns out Cavill won’t be able to take much of a break after such a daunting role, as he’ll soon gear up to wear Superman’s iconic cape. Cavill said the training for “Superman” will be a “similar kind of thing” to that of “Immortals,” adding, “It’s going to be intense.” Still, it’s not just the physical aspect Cavill will have to focus on: He’ll also have to slip into the psyche of the complex superhero for the tentatively titled “Superman: Man of Steel.” Cavil said he’s done “plenty of comic book research” in order to gather as much information as he can “as to who this man is.” The star explained that by reading the “Superman” comics, he’ll pick up on the “key characteristics” in order to get “a general idea of what he is, and then working from there.” Cavill also opened up about why it was important to stay true to the iconic character, even with Snyder’s new, modern twist. “Superman is Superman, after all. There’s only so much of a change you can make to that,” he said. As he continues to map out how to play the role, he’s already got his leading lady, Amy Adams, lined up and ready to go. It was confirmed a week ago that Adams, fresh off her Best Supporting Actress Oscar nod for “The Fighter,” would play Superman’s love interest, Lois Lane. Cavill, who revealed he’d met with Adams for a screen test, said he was “looking forward to working with” her, calling his newly announced co-star a “fantastic actress, very talented.” He isn’t the only one who’s excited about having Adams tackle the iconic female role. Snyder called her “one of the most versatile and respected actresses in films today,” while Margot Kidder , the original Lois Lane, gushed, “She’s a brilliant, wonderful actress! She’s incredible. She’s an extraordinarily accomplished young lady — and gorgeous and full of energy and spirit. She’s so different from part to part, it’s going to be really interesting to see what she does with Lois.” Cavill noted that the age difference between he and Adams (he’s 27, she’s 36) was nothing more than happenstance, saying that making the nine-year difference part of the story line would be for Snyder to decide. Cavill said of the age gap: “I don’t think it matters at all.” Regarding those who argue Adams is too old to star opposite Cavill, Kidder said, “Who cares? What a bizarre thing to be concerned about. She certainly doesn’t look older than him.” Do you think Amy Adams will make a good Lois Lane? Sound off below! Check out everything we’ve got on “Superman.” For breaking news and previews of the latest comic book movies — updated around the clock — visit SplashPage.MTV.com . Related Videos WonderCon 2011 Related Photos Meet Henry Cavill, The New Superman Henry Cavill Imagined As The New Superman

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Henry Cavill Calls ‘Superman’ Co-Star Amy Adams ‘Fantastic’