Tag Archives: manage-security

Chinese hired Blaster worm hackers

Wikileaks reveals scary security stories By Nick Farrell Tue Dec 07 2010, 09:42 THE WIKILEAKS LEAKS have shown that Chinese security firms with ties to the Chinese military hired the hacker group responsible for the original Blaster worm. According to the Guardian US diplomats have also discovered that the security firms have access to the source code of Microsoft Windows to assist them breaking it. In a US State Department daily security briefing of June 29, 2009, Topsec of Beijing had employed Lin Yong, aka “Lion,” the hacker served as a senior security service engineer to “manage security service and training”. Topsec, China's largest security vendor, provides training and support service for the People's Liberation Army. Apparently all this information was not that secret as it had been sourced to an interview in state-run media with the firm's founder and chairman, He Weidong. Another company, Venustech employed a hacking group called Xfocus, which reportedly was responsible for crafting the original Blaster worm in mid-2003. The US thinks that ties between government-backed companies and hackers is part of China's nationally-funded “network attack scientific research project”. What is strange is that both outfits have links to Microsoft and have signed agreements with the Vole to give them access to Windows' source code.