Tag Archives: marco-aurelio

Boat Full Of Sick West Africans Causes Mass Panic On Nekkid Beach

Nothing like a boat full of West Africans with flu-like symptoms to ruin a beach vacation…SMH. Nude Beach Goes Into Panic As Feverish West Africans Land Ashore Via NewYorkPost : These Canary Islands revelers in their birthday suits sure wished they had hazmat suits. Nudists were shocked when a group of migrants arrived on their Gran Canaria beach and described having Ebola-like symptoms, Metro.co.uk reported. Some of the 19 migrants were from Sierra Leone and Guinea, two of the West African countries ravaged by the deadly disease. They were looking for a better future in Spain. The migrants were kept in a pseudo-quarantine until a dump truck took them away to be processed. The startled nudists were kept at bay during the tense episode. Four of the migrants were taken to a hospital, but none of the 19 was found to have Ebola. The beach, Maspalomas, can only be reached by walking across sand dunes for 2 miles. San Bartolome Mayor Marco Aurelio Perez told Spanish newspaper El Mundo that the island is an “established destination” for migrants. “Unfortunately, illegal immigration has become a common sight in the West,” Perez said. Wow…so they carted the sick Black people off in a DUMP TRUCK? SMH. With the level of panic surrounding people from West African nations, who knows if any of these migrants even truly exhibited the “Ebola symptoms” the story claims? NewYorkPost

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Boat Full Of Sick West Africans Causes Mass Panic On Nekkid Beach