Tag Archives: marist-college

Kristen Wiig and Ben Affleck to Host Saturday Night Live, Kanye to Perform

NBC has announced a few huge names that will grace the Saturday Night Live stage next month. On May 11, Kristen Wiig – who left the show in 2012 – will take over hosting duties, with Vampire Weekend serving as musical guest. Then, on the May 18 season finale, Ben Affleck will take the hosting reins and rapper/ Kim Kardashian Baby Daddy Kanye West will provide the tunes. Might a certain large-breasted reality star stop by for a cameo?!? We can only hope.

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Kristen Wiig and Ben Affleck to Host Saturday Night Live, Kanye to Perform

Giant Floating Head: Found in Hudson River!

A crew team rowing in New York’s Hudson River rowed by a strange object that turned out to be a very large head … and left them scratching theirs. Out on the river Monday morning, Marist College crew coach Matt Lavin was the first to spot the mysterious 7-foot-high, fiberglass-covered dome. This thing is 4-5, as you can see in the video below: Giant Head Floating in Hudson River The ominous sighting gave the coach pause. “[Lavin] was in a small motor boat beside the team,” Greg Cannon, director of public affairs for the Poughkeepsie school, told ABC News this week . “He didn’t know what it was at first, but saw it was an obstruction that would have been in the way of the shipping channel. So he went out to investigate.” Once he realized he wasn’t in an apocalypse movie and that it wouldn’t be terribly heavy, he wrapped a line around the foam and fiberglass head. The crew team eventually towed it to shore and pulled it out. “They pulled it in and it’s some kind of Styrofoam core with a fiberglass shell over it,” Cannon said. “Enough of the foam was exposed that it got water logged.” “Members of the team helped drag it up onto the dock.” As for where the head came from, that’s still a mystery, but those who love conspiracies could have a field day. Cannon said he’s open to any theories. His favorite so far? The head is from a Mardi Gras float, was washed away by Hurricane Katrina and, eight years later, somehow ended up in the Hudson. There was also that more recent, and local, hurricane. “It could have been washed away by Sandy,” he said.

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Giant Floating Head: Found in Hudson River!

Most Support DADT Repeal, But Tea Party Opposed

A survey released Monday finds strong support for allowing openly gay and lesbian soldiers to serve in the military, but key groups that traditionally support Republicans oppose the idea. The survey, conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press and the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, shows that 58% of adults favor allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly, whereas 27% said they opposed allowing it. A majority of both men and women, as well as both Democrats and independents also support allowing open service. Currently, gays and lesbians are permitted to serve in the military under the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy only if they do not publicly reveal their sexuality. According the poll, Republicans are divided on whether to allow open service by gays and lesbians — 40% of Republicans favor it and 44% oppose. Perhaps as important, key groups likely to have an influence on Republican policies are even more opposed to allowing open service. The Pew report notes that among those who said they “agree with the Tea Party” only 38% favor and 48% oppose allowing open servece. Similarly, only 34% of white evangelical Protestants favor and 48% oppose allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly. Lack of Republican support could prevent the Obama administration from ending the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy, especially if Congress doesn't vote on ending the policy before the end of this year's lame-duck session. Ending the policy during a lame-duck session may not be popular even if a majority do support repeal, however — a recent McClatchy Company poll by Marist College found that registered voters were divided on repealing the policy during the current Congress, with 47% saying the current Democratic Congress should repeal the policy and 48% saying they should not repeal it “so they continue to serve but not openly.” Another recent poll by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal found that 50% of adults supported allowing open service but 48% either supported continuing the current policy or not permitting service at all when explicitly offered those options. The Pew poll was conducted Nov. 4-7 among 1,255 adults, and had a 3.5% margin of error. Results among subgroups have a higher margin of error. added by: TimALoftis