Tag Archives: mark-the-ninth

Fla. Church Denied Permit to Burn Qurans

(AP) Gainesville city officials have denied a burn permit for a church that plans to burn copies of the Quran on Sept. 11. Interim Fire Chief Gene Prince said Wednesday that an open burning of books is not allowed under the city's burning ordinance. The Dove World Outreach Center drew international attention after announcing its plan to burn copies of the Islamic holy text on church grounds to mark the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Prince says the church will be fined if it holds the burning. In an e-mail sent out Wednesday, the church said, “City of Gainesville denies burn permit – BUT WE WILL STILL BURN KORANS.” The Gainesville church made headlines last year after distributing T-shirts that said “Islam is of the Devil.” http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/08/19/national/main6787518.shtml added by: onemalefla