Tag Archives: world-outreach

Allah Take The Wheel: Bible-Thumpin’ Florida Pastor Popped For Felony After Attempting To Burn 2,998 Qurans In Retaliation For 9/11!

That’s “retaliation”??? SMH Pastor Terry Jones Arrested For Trying To Burn 2,998 Qurans Via USNews The controversial Florida Pastor Terry Jones was arrested Wednesday in Polk County, Fla., before he could burn almost 3,000 Qurans. The county’s Board of County Commissioners had denied on Tuesday Jones’s request for a permit to burn 3,000 Qurans — the holy book of Islam — in a local park to mark the anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Jones was arrested on felony charges after a traffic stop, a spokeswoman for the Polk County Sheriff’s Office said. According to NBC Miami, Jones was riding in a pickup truck with kerosene-soaked Qurans inside the truck bed. Additional bottles of kerosene were found in the truck bed. He faces charges of unlawfully transporting fuel and openly carrying a firearm, NBC Miami reported. Jones’s website said he wanted to burn 2,998 Qurans at 5 p.m. “in memory of the 2,998 victims of Islamic jihad who were murdered on September 11th, 2001.” Jones, 61, is a pastor of Dove World Outreach Center. He was arrested along with another pastor, Marvin Wayne Sapp, Jr. Pastor Jones goes to Hell for this, right? Image via AllChristianNews

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Allah Take The Wheel: Bible-Thumpin’ Florida Pastor Popped For Felony After Attempting To Burn 2,998 Qurans In Retaliation For 9/11!

10 Reasons Not to Burn the Qur’an

Ten Reasons Not to Burn the Qur'an in response to Dove World Outreach Center's plan to burn copies of the Qur'an on the 9th anniversary of 9/11. We hope our Ten Reasons will help bring about greater awareness, understanding and healing on this sad anniversary. Ten Reasons Not to Burn the Qur'an ONE Dove World Outreach Center: The Koran* teaches that Jesus Christ, the Crucified, Risen Son of God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords was NOT the Son of God, nor was he crucified (a well documented historical fact that ONLY Islam denies). This teaching removes the possibility of salvation and eternal life in heaven for all Islam's believers. They face eternal damnation in hell if they do not repent. * Islam is not a new religion, but traces its roots to Abrahamic monotheism, which teaches that God is one. God is one means that God has no parents, spouse, son or daughter. Therefore, God is considered indivisible and incomparable in any way, shape or form to any other living creature. * This idea can also be found in the Hebrew Scriptures in the form of the first of the Ten Commandments and elsewhere in the Bible. * The belief that Jesus was not crucified also predates Islam. For example, the Docetans were among Jesus' early followers, who also claimed he was never crucified and that another was crucified in his stead. * The Qur'an also teaches that Jesus, peace be upon him, is a prophet and a messenger of God, equal to Mohammad himself. TWO Dove World Outreach Center: The Koran does not have an eternal origin. It is not recorded in heaven. The Almighty God, Creator of the World, is NOT its source. It is not holy. Its writings are human in origin, a concoction of old and new teachings. This has been stated and restated for centuries by scholars since Islam's beginnings, both Moslem and non-Moslem. * The Qur'an is considered to be God's word, delivered to Mohammad via Gabriel, and recited by Mohammad to his followers. Scholars tend to diverge greatly in their opinions on this subject. * The Qur'an is among one of the only holy books that attests that the Bible is of divine origin, and the first to ever do so. That is a second good reason not to burn the Qur'an. THREE Dove World Outreach Center: The Koran's teaching includes Arabian idolatry, paganism, rites and rituals. These are demonic, an ongoing satanic stronghold under which Moslems and the world suffer. * The Qur'an is unequivocally against idolatry and satanic worship. Anyone who makes these claims cannot possibly have read and understood the Qur'an and should at least thoroughly read what he/she is attempting to disparage. FOUR Dove World Outreach Center: The earliest writings that are known to exist about the Prophet Mohammad were recorded 120 years after his death. All of the Islamic writings are contradictory and inconsistent. Maybe Mohammad never existed. We have no conclusive account about what he said or did. Yet Moslems follow the destructive teachings of Islam without question. * The Qur'an is an independent text and is very different from the Hadith, histories and biographical literature which should not be confused with the former. * The Qur'an is one of few prophetic books that have been so well preserved and that give an accurate rendition of the prophet's communication. It is thereby one of the world's greatest treasures. That is a fourth good reason not to burn the Qur'an. FIVE Dove World Outreach Center: Mohammad's life and message cannot be respected. The first Meccan period of his leadership seems to have been religiously motivated and a search for the truth. But in the second Medina period he was “corrupted by power and worldly ambitions.” This led to political assassinations and massacres which continue to be carried out on a regular basis by his followers today. * Mohammad lifestyle was exemplary and he lived very simply, preferring to give his money to the poor. Few can match his kindness towards his enemies. For example, when he and his followers conquered Mecca, he did so peacefully and did not punish its pagan inhabitants, even though they had tortured and oppressed them. There is no evidence that he ever ordered a political assassination or a massacre. * The Qur'an teaches forgiveness of Jews, Christians and people of other religions, even when they harm Muslims. SIX Dove World Outreach Center: Islamic Law is totalitarian in nature. There is no separation of church and state. It is irrational. It is supposedly immutable and cannot be changed. It must be accepted without criticism. * Islamic law is a pre-modern system of law and changes all the time. It should not be confused with the Qur'an, which is unchanging, even though its interpretation can vary. * The Qur'an is the one scripture that teaches not to take up rabbis, priests and other clergy and give them the authority to delineate religious law. Following the Qur'an, all human beings equal before God. SEVEN Dove World Outreach Center: Islam is not compatible with democracy and human rights. The notion of a moral individual capable of making decisions and taking responsibility for them does not exist in Islam. The attitude towards women in Islam as inferior possessions of men has led to countless cases of mistreatment and abuse for which Moslem men receive little or no punishment, and in many cases are encouraged to commit such acts, and are even praised for them. * The Qur'an does not delineate a particular political system for Muslim to follow. * The Qur'an is known for giving rights to minorities and other vulnerable peoples. For example, it has given women the right to life, independent ownership of property, wages, divorce, marriage, inheritance, maintenance, good treatment, etc. EIGHT Dove World Outreach Center: A Muslim does not have the right to change his religion. Apostasy is punishable by death. * A Muslim has a God-given right to change his/her religion, if they should so choose-the Qur'an clearly states “Let there be no compulsion in religion” (2:256). NINE Dove World Outreach Center: Deep in the Islamic teaching and culture is the irrational fear and loathing of the West. * The Qur'an does not endorse hatred of anyone and does not privilege any human being over another on the basis of race, origins or country. “O Humankind, we have created you from a male and a female and have made you into peoples and tribes so that you may know one another.” (49:13). TEN Dove World Outreach Center: Islam is a weapon of Arab imperialism and Islamic colonialism. Wherever Islam has or gains political power, Christians, Jews and all non-Moslems receive persecution, discrimination, are forced to convert. * These claims are not supported by historical fact–if non-Muslims were forced to convert, there would be no Christian and Jewish minorities in Muslim-majority countries today. * As for “Arab imperialism”, Mohammad's last sermon states: “An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.” * Islam literally means “peace-making”–it is the causative Form IV of the root “salam,” which means wholeness, peace, well-being and safety. * Muslims have never embarked on a campaign to burn the Bible in any of its forms. It is the Qur'an insists on freedom of worship-“Let there be no compulsion in religion.” * The correct reference is “Qur'an”, not “Koran” http://www.codepink.org/article.php?id=5545 http://barenakedislam.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/book-burning.jpg?w=460&h=3… added by: pinkpanther

N!GGER! – a Video by the "Burn a Koran Day" Church (dove world outreach)

Dr. Laura is not alone in her fight for the right to say n!gger. After dropping the N-bomb 20 something times a Pastor at the Dove World Outreach Church rants about the racist double standard that prevents white people from using the word as freely as a black man on HBO'S Def Comedy Jam. The Pastor claims no matter how anyone spins it – it is a form of reverse racism to get mad when Whites say n!gger. But then he drops this gem of wisdom – “The standard that the Bible clearly tells us, Black is Black – White is White. What relationship can the Darkness have with Light? we cannot keep coming back and forth, right is right – wrong is wrong. Hold the Stadard” This Pastor's pants must be on the ground . . Cause his head is up his ass. But that's just my opinion, what do you think of this Churches use of the N-word, and does anyone else see a not so subtle message in this Bible quote added by: Stoneyroad

Eugeniusz Gerlach on YouTube

Eugeniusz Gerlach on YouTube. Full presentation on the webside: http://www.gerlach-art.com added by: E_Gerlach

Interview with Dove World Outreach Center pastor who plans to burn copies of the Holy Koran on September 11, 2010

Interview with Dove World Outreach Center pastor who plans to burn copies of the Holy Koran on September 11, 2010 added by: maasanova

Don’t Search for Cameron Diaz on the Internet!

McAfee has a lot going on today. Not just announcing that Intel is buying them for a handsome price, they also announced today that searching for Cameron Diaz is the most … http://itgrunts.com/2010/08/19/dont-search-for-cameron-diaz-on-the-internet/ added by: itgrunts

Fla. Church Denied Permit to Burn Qurans

(AP) Gainesville city officials have denied a burn permit for a church that plans to burn copies of the Quran on Sept. 11. Interim Fire Chief Gene Prince said Wednesday that an open burning of books is not allowed under the city's burning ordinance. The Dove World Outreach Center drew international attention after announcing its plan to burn copies of the Islamic holy text on church grounds to mark the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Prince says the church will be fined if it holds the burning. In an e-mail sent out Wednesday, the church said, “City of Gainesville denies burn permit – BUT WE WILL STILL BURN KORANS.” The Gainesville church made headlines last year after distributing T-shirts that said “Islam is of the Devil.” http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/08/19/national/main6787518.shtml added by: onemalefla