Tag Archives: marriage-still

Yuck! Green Mile Actor Marries 16-Year-Old Girl


51-year-old actor Doug Hutchinson , who has starred in the TV series “Lost” and in the movie The Green Mile , has married 16-year-old singer Courtney Alexis Stodden.  The two wed in Las Vegas last month with the consent of her parents. Courtney, an aspiring actress, model and pop singer, was being managed by Hutchinson when the two became romantically involved. Her parents, Alex and Krista, welcomed Hutchinson, who is four years older than his new father-in-law. “We all needed a good man in our lives,”  Krista told Foxnews.com. “After a while you don’t look at the age. You look at the love they started to have towards each other. He became more than a number to us.” Predictably, the two are rumored to be in talks for a reality TV series about their marriage. Maybe they should call this “Strange Love Pt 2″. What do you think? Is this fine to you or is this too much of an age gap? Were her parents right to give consent? Let us know in the comments! READ MORE AT FOXNEWS.COM. RELATED POSTS: Author Barry Fletcher Asks If Marriage Still Matters Why Don’t A lot of Married Men Wear Their Rings?

Yuck! Green Mile Actor Marries 16-Year-Old Girl