Tag Archives: masculinization

Serena Williams Touches Herself of the Day

I find it funny that this video of Serena Williams singing I TOUCH MYSELF while holding her tits came out a week ago, and I had no fucking idea, when 99 percent of what I do is post pictures of celebrities of various levels of sex appeal naked, half naked, or grabbing their tits in shameless campaigns disguised as CANCER awareness campaigns, even though everyone knows about cancer, everyone also knows there are cures for cancer the Big Pharma, who are also feeding America all the opiates, are hiding from the public, because they need people to have cancer to maximize their bottom line…all while the world cries about some judge pinning down some girl in high school when they were 12….even though when you were 12…you were pulling bra straps and asking girls to show you theirs if you show them yours..while playing doctor….life…stuffing your face with chemicals the government allows us to ingest because they are paid off and that cause cancer…great. I think it’s safe to say that I don’t consider Serene Williams a woman, but rather a fucking tank, who may or may not be unfair advantage in female tennis, some “She’s the Man, or Ladybugs RIP JONATHAN LANDIS, and the cause for the masculinization of tennis, whether she was born woman or not, she’s a beast, and likely has a dick somewhere in there….a dick the founder of Reddit likes to suck…rich people and their weird fetishes… In other, totally unrelated news, I spent my night watching clips of KOKO the Gorilla doing sign language on Youtube last night, what a fascinating creature, who loved being tickled by Robin Williams…makes me sad she’s dead.. You racists….don’t realize that I only see one color, one race, the human race….because you only see your own racism… The post Serena Williams Touches Herself of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Serena Williams Touches Herself of the Day