Nadine Leopold is a 21 year old model from Austria, which in case you didn’t know, is also where Hitler is from, which doesn’t mean she’s a Nazi, but she may represent what the Nazi party was looking for with her aryan, model face… Her claim to fame is dating Harry Styles, who I think had sex with Taylor Swift, thanks to being part of the biggest act in the world Simon Cowell created…I guess she’s also done Victoria’s Secret and other shit.. I like that she’s not a fat, plus sized model…because I like the traditional model look, call me old school, but I need that to destroy self esteem of the girls deserve to have no self esteem, and who I need to have no self esteem, because their no self esteem makes them willing to fuck me because no one else wants to fuck them, and people like to fuck…even when they hate themselves… You see that’s the problem with this fat chick owning her fat chick leaves people like me in the dark because even they realize they can do better. I like her freckles… The post Nadine Leopold for Marie Claire UK of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Nadine Leopold for Marie Claire UK of the Day