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Casey James’ ‘American Idol’ Exit Not A Surprise, Experts Say

‘The writing was on the wall for Casey since last week’s results show,’ declared MTV News’ Jim Cantiello. By Gil Kaufman Casey James Photo: FOX You didn’t need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind was blowing for Casey James on Wednesday night. With the judges practically placing the crown on Lee DeWyze’s head the previous evening and Crystal Bowersox riding a season-long wave of hype and good cheer, James seemed destined to be the odd man out. Our experts called it , and on Thursday morning, they were feeling bullish about being right and predicting the first mixed-gender finale in four seasons. “The writing was on the wall for Casey since last week’s results show,” declared MTV News’ Jim Cantiello. “He knew he had no chance going up against Crystal ‘Early Fave’ Bowersox and Lee ‘Chosen One’ DeWyze, and if he didn’t, he should have realized he was being set up to fail with Kara and Randy’s song choice. As soon as he heard the words ‘ “Daughters” by John Mayer’ he needed to dig deep and figure out a way to wow the judges and the viewers with his personal choice.” Instead, Cantiello noted, James chose an obscure song by little-known singer Eric Hutchinson that left “even less impact than Mayer’s sleepy tune.” If nothing else, Jim appreciated Casey’s honesty when he deviated from heaping praise on the judges like Crystal and Lee did and told host Ryan Seacrest that not all of their critiques were useful. Our other expert, MJ Santilli of “Idol” fan site MJsbigblog.com , also called Casey’s ouster and agreed that it was expected after James submarined himself with the Hutchinson pick. “No way that boring Eric Hutchinson song was going to propel him into the finals,” she said. “If he’d picked something bluesy and upbeat, it would have complemented the ballad Kara and Randy gave him. But, maybe there was nothing Casey could do to dodge the bus that was coming for him. The producers were gunning for a Crystal/Lee final, and they made sure they got it. Crystal and Lee got better judges’ songs, performance order spots, lighting and stage sets. Casey knew he was going home.” Santilli noted that the message James posted to fans on his Facebook page earlier in the day had a whiff of a goodbye to it, and his calm demeanor when getting the news on the show seemed to indicate he sensed his fate. “Maybe Crystal and Lee won the night, but Casey created one of the sweetest moments of season nine when he picked up that little girl during his ‘Daughters’ sing-out,” she said of the audience member James sat on his knee and sang to during his curtain call. Related Videos ‘American Idol’ In 60 Seconds Related Photos ‘American Idol’ Season Nine Performances

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Casey James’ ‘American Idol’ Exit Not A Surprise, Experts Say