Tag Archives: maybe-someday

Britney Spears Is Starting To Impress Little Tuna Again

I’ve gotta say, I’ve really been enjoying  Britney Spears ‘ transition from Cheeto-dust-covered soccer mom to super-hot MILF. Not only does it give me a serious pants fire, it also gives me hope that maybe someday, I could get super fit too. If I put down the Cheetos and hit the gym 24/7. Actually, on second thought, screw that. That sounds like way too much hard work. I’ll stick with the snacks and Britney GIFs and pants fires instead, thanks.

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Britney Spears Is Starting To Impress Little Tuna Again

Colleen Shannon Is The Sexiest DJ

Alright you perverts, be respectful, because bikini model/world’s sexiest DJ Colleen Shannon here isn’t just one of the hottest things you’ll see all day, she’s also my newest Twitter friend. And I want to make a good first impression so maybe someday we can take things to the next level. That’s right: a DM. I’m pretty sure that’s considered third base in the blogger world. So wish me luck, and enjoy. » view all 11 photos Photos: Fameflynet

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Colleen Shannon Is The Sexiest DJ