Tag Archives: media-mentions

Karrueche Addresses The Beyhive: “All This Negativity And Death Wishes Are Quite A Lot…”

Bey & Blue’s foot soldiers finally made Crunchy K Bow Down… Karrueche Tran Apolgizes For Blue Ivy Hair Comments On 106th & Park After a social media dragging of epic proportions in which network production had to come to her defense , Karreuche was finally able to face the public again after her BET-written sideways comments about the state of Blue Ivy Carter’s hair . She took to Instagram earlier this evening to formally apologize for offending anyone, and also to plead for mercy on her social media mentions: Play with the Beyhive and get stung! Welp Beyonce stans…are you ready to stop wishing death and destruction on this woman?

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Karrueche Addresses The Beyhive: “All This Negativity And Death Wishes Are Quite A Lot…”