Tag Archives: meet john doe

REVIEW: Udon Western The Warrior’s Way Mingles Genres to Great Effect

A pain in the ass for someone with a job to do, films that open without screening for critics usually draw one of two responses: 1. Yes, that was probably a wise decision; or 2. Have a little faith, studio chickens! I’m not sure how a system that’s pushing Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford’s upcoming Cowboys and Aliens would assume that critics won’t get a film like The Warrior’s Way ; it’s been a mad, mixed-up genre world for some time now. Yet if writer/director Sngmoo Lee’s feature debut isn’t the first revisionist udon western, surely it will wind up being close to the only one. A shame, in a way, because I suspect a little company would only confirm that it’s also one of the best.

Originally posted here:
REVIEW: Udon Western The Warrior’s Way Mingles Genres to Great Effect

On DVD: Frank Capra’s Other Christmas Classic Turns 70

Once Thanksgiving is over, It’s a Wonderful Life season officially begins. But by the time director Frank Capra ventured to Bedford Falls, he had already made one of the greatest Christmas movies ever: Meet John Doe , which gets a “70th Anniversary Ultimate Collectors Edition” release this week from VCI Entertainment. And like many of Capra’s little-guy-against-the-corporations movies, it feels more relevant than ever.

Go here to read the rest:
On DVD: Frank Capra’s Other Christmas Classic Turns 70