Tag Archives: meghan-flather

Nudeworthy on Netflix: Hercules, Interview with the Vampire, and More! 8.5.15

August is off to a skinsational start thanks to these five streaming titles, sure to put you in heat for the dog days of summer! First up is last summer’s action adventure Hercules ! Director Brett Ratner is a noted fan of big butts , which means we get treated to Irina Shayk ‘s beauteous and bountiful booty! 1994’s vamp classic Interview with the Vampire may have driven the ladies crazy thanks to its multitude of hunks, but we love the fully nude Laure Marsac and the fabulous full frontal scene from Nicole DuBois ! The critically acclaimed 2013 miniseries Dancing on the Edge will bring you to the edge of ecstasy thanks to the terrific topless sex scenes from Janet Montgomery and Jenna-Louise Coleman ! The erotic flick Quills tells the story of the final days of the Marquis de Sade, played to perfection by Geoffrey Rush, and also features some great topless scenes from Oscar winner Kate Winslet and the lovely Rebecca Palmer ! Finally, three years before The Expendables , Jet Li and Jason Statham teamed up in 2007’s War , featuring a phenomenal topless scene from the gorgeous Meghan Flather !

Originally posted here:
Nudeworthy on Netflix: Hercules, Interview with the Vampire, and More! 8.5.15