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New Porn Company Promises XXX Re-Makes of Taxi Driver, Training Day and True Grit [VIDEO]

It’s truly a nude era for porn parodies. Earlier this week we profiled the upcoming boobs-and-bloodbath Grindhouse XXX , and now the up-and-coming (pun totally intended) porn studio Sensuous Diamond Productions has announced an ambitious new plan. The company will be re-imagining famous, critically acclaimed dramas like Taxi Driver (1976), True Grit (2011) and Training Day (2011) as porn. Two of those movies originally starred 14-year-old girls ( Jodie Foster and Hailee Steinfeld , respectively), but Training Day gave us a brief glimpse of Eva Mendes ‘ bush, so sure. Why not? See the trailer for their moody-looking skinagural effort, Taxi Driver XXX , after the jump!

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New Porn Company Promises XXX Re-Makes of Taxi Driver, Training Day and True Grit [VIDEO]