Tag Archives: metal-piercing

Jimmy Fallon’s “Dance Avenue” Spoofs “Soul Train” [VIDEO]

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On last night’s episode of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon , Jimmy and the gang poked fun at Soul Train by showing a pre-taped sketch called “Dance Avenue” that spoofed the legendary Soul Train Line. Jimmy and members of Late Night ‘s house band, The Roots , participated in the sketch by donning Soul Train inspired costumes and dancing down the line.  The Roots’ ?uestlove , an admitted Soul Train geek, certainly had his hand in making this spoof as authentic as possible.  Keep an eye out for such Soul Train staples like a dancing Asian lady, and a random dancer wearing an E.T. costume.  Honorable mention definitely goes to The Roots’ Black Thought in his captain’s outfit. We also gotta give props for the song the band recorded specifically for the show, “Doing Lines,” an obvious double entendre referencing the Soul Train line and the ever-present 80′s drug of choice, cocaine. Peep the video below! Source: LateNightWithJimmyFallon.com RELATED: Jimmy Fallon Thanks Tiger Woods For Comedic Inspiration [VIDEO] RELATED: ?uestlove Remixes The Best Charlie Sheen Soundbites [VIDEO]

Jimmy Fallon’s “Dance Avenue” Spoofs “Soul Train” [VIDEO]

FBI Makes Documents Regarding The Notorious B.I.G.’s Death Available Online

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It has been fourteen years since The Notorious BIG was shot and killed 50 yards outside the Peterson Automotive Museum. No arrests were made in connection to the act and the case was closed in 2005. The FBI released new documents online, last week regarding the murder, how Biggie was killed with rare ammunition they had found on the scene. Biggie was shot with a 9mm pistol. After ballistic examinations, it was rendered that the bullet shell casing was made by Gecko. “Gecko is a metal piercing round made in Europe and rarely found in the U.S.” After reading the report it is clear that the LAPD missed many leads that could have ultimately led to the finding of BIG’s killer. You can read them yourself here: [Source] Top 10 The Notorious B.I.G. Songs A Time Line Of Notorious B.I.G’s Life After Death Shaq: “Biggie Would Still Be Alive If I Had Made It To The Party”

FBI Makes Documents Regarding The Notorious B.I.G.’s Death Available Online