Tag Archives: midtown-killer

Midtown Execution: NYPD Seeks Suspect in Brutal Murder

A video depicting the moments before a Midtown execution style murder has gone viral, and the NYPD is furiously searching for the suspect in the slaying of Brandon Woodward. The video is chilling, especially when you know the tragic result: Midtown Execution Suspect A fatal gunshot to the head killed the 31-year-old Woodard, whose killer slipped casually back into a car and drove off after the Monday afternoon murder. The shocking Midtown execution clip was captured on a security camera, but the victim’s family is as stumped about her son’s murder as cops seem to be. Woodward’s mother tells the New York Times: “I don’t know what happened.” “We don’t know why anyone would harm him. We have no idea. He didn’t have any enemies. Not one. He liked to tell jokes. He liked to have his friends over to entertain.” NYPD police commissioner Ray Kelly spoke out about the Midtown execution video and the chilling, horrifyingly blase attitude of Woodard’s killer in the clip. “It was very brazen … There were a lot of people in that area. Obviously, a lot of cameras in New York. So you could characterize it as either brazen or foolhardy. We’ll see.” The video above shows the suspect moments before he shot Woodard. The below report from ABC News provides more details (and graphic images). Midtown Killer The case comes on the heels of the death of a man at the hands of the so-called Subway push killer , marking the second high-profile NYC murder this month.

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Midtown Execution: NYPD Seeks Suspect in Brutal Murder