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Kim of Queens Season 2 Episode 4 Recap: Who Toots Her Own Horn?

Last week on Kim of Queens, we saw Kim Gravel, the titular Kim who trains beauty queens, deal with the return of Angie, whom she fired not long ago. Quite an awkward circumstance, to put it as mildly as one can. Following that development, where did things go on  Kim of Queens Season 2 Episode 4 ? There were a number of twists and turns to follow, undoubtedly. Watch Kim of Queens Season 2 Episode 4 Online Addison, not by her choosing at all, had to train with Rayven. The impetus behind that was an upcoming interview pageant this week, and suffice it to say, you could cut the tension with a knife with those two together. Meanwhile, the newly-resurfaced Angie lashed out at Marah. As this was going on, Kim took a band geek under her wing, as she sought again to create beauty pageant queens from some of the most unlikely sources. How did it end up? Just watch Kim of Queens online to see!

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Kim of Queens Season 2 Episode 4 Recap: Who Toots Her Own Horn?