Remember when your mother told you to make sure you looked presentable when you left home and put on clean underwear just in case and yadda yadda you stopped listening, ’cause what did she know? Well, she knew. And you should’ve listened to her. Because what if you got arrested and the police had to take your MUG SHOT. Infamy . That’s what would happen. Because mug shots are those great equalizers of all people who commit crimes, lumping them together forever in one thing known as the public record . 21 Most Hilarious Mug Shots Ever 1. In Case You Forget You can just read the Miranda Rights right off this guy’s shirt. Let’s face it. Some people just don’t photograph well, especially in the harsh fluorescent lights of jails. There’s something about the bricks and the flash and the probable drunkenness and disorderly conduct that just make these things turn out, well, hilarious. Check out 21 of the funniest mug shots ever, above, to see what we mean, and lest you think we only pick on the regular people of the world, never fear. There are plenty of celebrity mug shots to go around, as well … 51 Celebrity Mug Shots: ARRESTED! 1. Justin Bieber Mug Shot Justin Bieber looks pretty darn happy here in his mug shot, doesn’t he? Perhaps that’s because he is under the influence of… something.
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21 Funniest Mug Shots of All Time (#17 is a True Must-See)