Tag Archives: minimum-plant

Awkward Kiss Cam Stars Can’t Avoid the Spotlight

We have a new addition to our rundown of Awkward Kiss Cam moments . And this one may be our favorite awkward kiss cam piece of footage to date, considering it lasts for far more than just a few moments. The video hones in on a young man and a young woman who are attending a San Antonio Spurs basketball game. The non-couple clearly just wants to enjoy the second-best team in the NBA, but the operator of that pesky Kiss Cam just won't let them Are they on a first date, it asks? No, they appear to say. But no kiss appears to be forthcoming, despite at least some kind of smooth sort of being required once one is captured on this arena-based camera. At one point, the guy goes in for a peck… but gets rudely rebuffed for his effort! And then things just keep getting more and more awkward, despite the young man later identifying himself on Twitter and saying he's been dating his co-star for over a year. So why the hesitancy to at minimum plant a peck on each other's cheeks? It's unclear. Perhaps they follow the Duggar Family rules . Do they eventually get anywhere close to first base? Watch the awkward video and find out now!

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Awkward Kiss Cam Stars Can’t Avoid the Spotlight