A 40-foot tall Minion caused major traffic jams in Dublin, Ireland after it escaped from a local fairground and landed on a busy road Monday. The inflatable, enormous Minion was a promotional character from the film Minions , starring the cute creatures from the hit Despicable Me . Fortunately, he was corralled by passersby who let the air out of him. Erin Van Londen, who witnessed the incident and alerted the police, said she pulled out of traffic to be at a safe distance from the minion. “We were driving down to the shopping centre and we saw the giant balloon coming towards us,” Erin told the Irish Independent. “I had seen it in the carnival when we were driving down and I said to my boyfriend, ‘There is an absolutely huge inflatable Minion in there.’” “So today when we saw it, we thought ‘Oh wait, it must have toppled over.’” Erin said nobody was injured and that the incident was “a bit of fun”. But Dublin city council member Paul McAuliffe tweeted otherwise. “Escaped Minion at Omni in Santry may seem hilarious but it's a despicable breach of health & safety,” he wrote on Twitter. We'd tell him to lighten up, but that was well played.
Original post:
HUGE Minion Escapes, Causes Traffic Jam in Ireland