Tag Archives: modelling-cake

Kate Upton Modeling for Redemption of the Day

This is a step up for Kate Upton, you know a company is properly using her, and instead of squeezing her awkward sloppy fat chick body into a bikini that doesn’t fit properly, they have put her in some clothes, where she can take ownership on her fat chick body, and show off her fat chick tits, to get male attention, rather than humiliate herself half naked. I mean this is the play all fat girls use in clubs to get laid, it only makes sense for Kate Upton to be doing the same… Sure I am a firm believer she should be modelling cake, or good southern BBQ, or even some cattle convention, you know things where fat chicks are welcome, like the plus sized Big and Tall shop, or hip hop videos, but this is a step in the right direction for this porker, anything that gets her out of her bikini…is doing a good thing for the people who wrongfully think she’s hot… Save the bikinis for the hot bodies. I can see enough bikini train wrecks on instagram.

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Kate Upton Modeling for Redemption of the Day