Tag Archives: modifed-meat

Taylor Momsen is a Shitty Rockstar of the Day

I don’t own a TV so sometimes I turn on the radio to distract me from the thoughts and voices in my head. The last couple of weeks they’ve been up on this Christmas Carol bullshit and despite not having much of a soul, I love Christmas and everything about it, except for maybe not ever getting presents I want cuz my wife is a fucking cunt. So I sit here singing along to all the Christmas music like some kind of fag would with broadway tunes practicing for his drag show and the whole thing is fucking embarassing, but not as embarassing as Taylor Momsens’ attempt at being a rockstar.


See original here:
Taylor Momsen is a Shitty Rockstar of the Day

Tila Tequila and her Useless Tits of the Day

IThe bottom feeding whore Tila Tequila was recently spotted at the airport. She should really take this moment in because there will be a time very soon when she won’t be able to afford airfare and people won’t be paying her to fly around the world, because the John’s she bangs for money will be bored of her and onto new pussy, her celebrity will be dried up and so will her whore pussy and if we’re lucky she will have commited suicide but here are some pictures to remember one these last trips as a whore people follow on twitter who was once on TV and who had a taste of fame even for just a minute and you can see her leopard print bra and fake tits….

Tila Tequila and her Useless Tits of the Day

Some Coco Pictures She’s Pimpin’ on Twitter of the Day

Coco was just pimping these pictures on twitter, I’m guessing she knows exactly what she is doing because she’s had an extensive career being pimped by various men soliciting her like the piece of disgusting, genetically modifed meat that she is. I assume she’s doing this push for these pics becuase she thinks she looks good and is delusional because clearly she’s disgusting but I guess we can’t control what gives people a boner even if the boner is for herself, I can just assume that she likes how these were photoshopped more aggressively than any other picture has ever been photoshopped…it’s like some Guinness World Record shit…. Continue reading