Tag Archives: moment-finally

So This Is What That Wanderlust "Topless Scene" Ended Up As [PICS]

A word of warning: if you’re already feeling kind of grumpy, this is really going to piss you off. So the topless scene that Jennifer Aniston had removed from Wanderlust (2011) wasn’t completely left on the cutting room floor. It does appear on a Blu-ray special feature, the ” bizarro cut ” of the film, which producer-writers David Wain and Ken Marino describe as ” alternate lines, jokes, deleted scenes, outtakes… stuff that was too silly, too absurd ” (or too nude, as the case may be) to make it into the final film. But even if you hold your nose and get the Blu-ray, you’re still not going to get to see JenAn’s jugs. As the scene begins, we get full frontal from a pair of hippie extras (above), but when the big moment finally arrives and Jen steps forward to reveal her topless glory, a big black head pops up and covers her boobs as an off-screen voice yells, “Down in front!” By the time the “head” moves out of the way, the boobs are gone. Ha ha, guys. Very funny. See stills of the crime against boob-manity that is Wanderlust (2011) after the jump!

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So This Is What That Wanderlust "Topless Scene" Ended Up As [PICS]