Tag Archives: monique-keyes

R.I.P. 9/11 Victim Ernest James’ Remains Identified After 10 Years!

This is sad. After ten years, 9/11 victim Ernest James has become the 1,629th person to have his remains identified. The New York City medical examiner’s office said on Tuesday that it had identified the remains of Ernest James, 40, a victim of the World Trade Center attack. The remains were identified “within the last few days” through DNA testing, said Ellen S. Borakove, a spokeswoman for the office. She declined to disclose more specifics about what type of remains were tested. Mr. James, an IT specialist who worked for the professional services company Marsh & McLennan, was one of nearly 300 members of the firm who died on Sept. 11, 2001. In addition, more than 60 consultants working with the firm that morning also died. A spokesman for the company said, “We continue to mourn their loss and honor their memory.” James’ loved ones say they had accepted his death the day of the attack. “When I couldn’t reach him,” said his fiancée, Monique Keyes, “I pretty much, deep inside, knew.” Asked for her memories of Mr James as the anniversary of his death approached, Miss Keyes said: “He just loved to make you laugh”. So far, Ms. Borakove said, officials in her agency’s DNA/World Trade Center Identification Group have identified 1,629 of the people who died in the attack. Before Mr. James, the most recent identification of human remains was made in May. Ms. Borakove said efforts to identify remains would continue. “As long as there is technology available, doctors have made a promise that we would continue to try to identify people,” she said. Can you imagine how it must feel to be one of Ernest’s family members? Trying to recover from his death and then having it rehashed all over TEN YEARS LATER because that’s how long it took to identify his remains. There may still be some degree of relief though, by at least having him identified and potentially being able to hold a burial. R.I.P. Ernest James and the thousands of other victims of the terrible tragedy. Source Source 2

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R.I.P. 9/11 Victim Ernest James’ Remains Identified After 10 Years!