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Please ponder this plea from Pleas: A continuing story of corruption in Kentucky – Lexington courts | examiner_preview

I make my return to writing here with some rather intriguing news of criminal harassment by the Lexington Police on several levels. My 'vacation' was not by choice but rather by cyber-attack. After my campaign bringing up implications of murder committed by Lexington Police officers and the coincidental death of an officer on the job during that time I was sent a virus. The virus and a key-logger attack were done to my computer by way of a Facebook invite by a member of the slain officer's family and the key-logger attack came straight from the Lexington Police Department forensics department. More recently, my articles here bringing attention to racism and corruption in the local court system invited more cyber-attacks. I will continue to fight against corruption in government and to bring you all of the information; the truth no matter where that leads. Recently, I received a letter I had requested from Pleas Lucian Kavanaugh describing the police corruption and harassment he has gone through in Lexington. His story is identical to mine and others. The stories just take place with different people in different places but the patterns are the same. Lexington has a fraternity type of police force that has gotten away with too much for too long and now believes it can do as it pleases to anyone it chooses. Please listen to this plea from Pleas Lucian Kavanaugh and do what you can to help him. Feel free to contact me with any information you might have to help his case, my past cases or the murder of Deborah Wardlaw. Confidentiality, as always, is assured. Pleas Lucian Kavanaugh: While it might be beyond my ability to convey a respectable version of my dilemma in this small allotment, I wish to emphasize from the onset that the affects of what has happened to me cannot be understated and that if this account is somewhat beyond the standard length, it is so for the depth of the actions taken against me by a power well beyond my capacity to contend with. As such, I would implore that my circumstance be given attentive and thorough consideration as I am, quite literally, under the most oppressive and sweltering attack at the hands of the Lexington Police Department; an attack which I fear will not end until either I have been unjustly incarcerated, murdered or until such time as responsible parties are held accountable for a most egregious affront to liberty, justice and all things idealized by civilized humanity. Let the facts be submitted to an impartial eye. Please continue reading at the link: Christopher Hignite Lexington Courts Examiner Monkey Films on Current TV added by: Monkey_Films