The great Howard Stern was on the Kevin Mathews show one day promoting something. Mathews was a nobody in the world of radio and Howard was the shock jock king of radio. Somewhere along the conversation Kevin mathews brought up Jim Shorts as his sidekick and Howard wanted to hear it. Howard had obviously had ever listened to this local boko radio show. He heard Jim Shorts voice which is actually Keven Mathews himself and just laughed. Howard asked if he was serious about having that as part of his show. When Mathews insisted that it was Howard said it was cute. That was a total dis to the on air talents of this Kev Head and the ego that was in it. There was Kevin Mathews was a suckie radio host that got more and more arrogant as years passed away. like Jay Marvin, I don’t know if he is still alive, but if he isn’t there will always be a place for him to work at this blog.
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The time Howard Stern humiliated kevin mathews