Tag Archives: more-direct

Obama signs "Child Nutrition" bill

I can't decide if this is a good thing or bad. The children of America do eat mostly junk and should eat healthier, but should we be giving government more direct power over what goes into their bodies at school? What do you think? added by: Eddie_Miller

Obama signs "Child Nutrition" bill

I can't decide if this is a good thing or bad. The children of America do eat mostly junk and should eat healthier, but should we be giving government more direct power over what goes into their bodies at school? What do you think? added by: Eddie_Miller

Anonymous Turns Payback Towards The Jester

The first reason is obviously the Jester’s attacks on WikiLeaks, the second more direct reason may be attacks on the Internet Relay Chat servers that Anonymous is using to coordinate attacks. They believe the Twitter account “AnonymousDown” is the same person who is behind th3j35t3r… https://www.infosecisland.com/blogview/10195-Anonymous-Turns-Payback-Towards-The… added by: Paisano1