Tag Archives: more-nightlife

5 Reasons Why You Aren’t Going To The Movies

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Last week our friends at Moviefone.com hosted and open thread to discuss why attendance at the movies has been on the decline . After collecting comments via their message boards and social media they came up with five solid reasons why you aren’t going to the movies…as much. Need more nightlife suggestions? Click here! 1. Better Home Equipment One of the bigger selling points to the current 3D movement was that it gave audiences something they couldn’t get at home. A good idea, in theory, but one that ignored a small issue: maybe what’s at home  is better than anything offered at the multiplex. Extra dimensions or not. “I also refuse to pay for 3D now, period,”  wrote commenter Maureen Lucas . “Sadly, I noticed when watching ‘Transformers 3′ on Blu-ray last week that it looked  better on my TV than [when I saw it in] non-3D movie theater.” Ticket prices are high enough as it is without 3D, but paying for something that –  despite James Cameron’s protests — doesn’t really offer anything special to the viewing experience is a turn-off. Especially with home entertainment centers becoming so technically advanced. CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL LIST:

5 Reasons Why You Aren’t Going To The Movies