Tag Archives: most-disastrous

Doing The Most: Wedding Pic Of Guest Ripping Crotch And Kicking Bridesmaid In Jamaica Goes Viral [Photo]

Wedding Pic Of Guy Kicking Bridesmaid Goes Viral SMH at this guy. Via USA Today: “The most disastrous wedding pic” is making the rounds online. The photo, which was taken in Jamaica, was submitted to Reddit on July 10 and picked up by Someecards.com. The website called it the “most disastrous wedding pic ever taken” and it has been shared more than 13,200 times as of July 13. Tyler Foster, of Spokane, Washington, is the man jumping in the air doing a toe touch. He posted his picture on Reddit as Tfoster7102 and it has over 6 million readers to date. According to Reddit, Foster was at his cousin’s affair. He originally titled it, “So I jumped, kicked this bridesmaid in the head, and ripped my pants.” SMH. Doing the absolute most. KREM-TV

Originally posted here:
Doing The Most: Wedding Pic Of Guest Ripping Crotch And Kicking Bridesmaid In Jamaica Goes Viral [Photo]