Tag Archives: mostly-the-idea

Twitter Exploded Last Night Over Whether Or Not The Gay Agenda Exists (Spoiler: It Doesn’t, Dummies)

The Gay Agenda Myth Explodes Last night, Nipsey Hussle riled up Twitter last night with his homophobic rants and a conversation with Deray that went a little bit like this: I don’t look down on gay people I love all Gods children foreal. I take issue with the larger agenda.and I’m VERY WELL INFORMED contrary to my appearance. And my conclusion is there’s AN AGENDA…we can go fact for fact and get u some understanding if you’d like. If not God bless https://t.co/DvewsKGojS — THA GREAT (@NipseyHussle) January 9, 2018 This caused a tidal wave of takes, opinions and plain old wrongness by a lot of people on the internet. Mostly the idea of a “gay agenda.” The idea is that America is “pushing” stories and images of gay black men to create feminized black men. This is unilaterally stupid. A TV show with gay black characters isn’t turning anyone gay. And, well, we’ll just leave the rest to Twitter to explain why the idea of a gay agenda is wildly dumb. It seems to us like the LGBT community’s agenda is to do things like live, enjoy life and not be bothered by people asking them about an agenda. Why is that so hard to understand? Hit the flip to get some knowledge… How fitting that a rapper who finally signed to a major label, the industry largely responsible for perpetuating a very specific image of Black men, offering that trite folklore that gay Black men are the ones advancing the white man’s agenda. pic.twitter.com/0FoLj6ghhG — Michael Arceneaux (@youngsinick) January 8, 2018

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Twitter Exploded Last Night Over Whether Or Not The Gay Agenda Exists (Spoiler: It Doesn’t, Dummies)