Tag Archives: move-on-drake

Chrissy Teigen Blows "Vagina Raspberry" on Brooklyn Decker; Life is Complete

In breaking supermodel news, Chrissy Teigen blew a raspberry on Brooklyn Decker’s vaginal area and shared it with the world on Instagram. Awesome. A seemingly drunk Teigen provided a brief, but instructional video in which she places her face over the crotch of her fellow Sports Illustrated stunner. “This is the video called vagina raspberry,” says the narrator. And so it begins. Chrissy Teigen buries her face in Brooklyn’s crotch and blows hard. The end. Vagina Raspberry By Chrissy Teigen Both ladies are taken – Chrissy by John Legend and Brooklyn Decker by Andy Roddick – so this is as close as you’ll ever get to giving them one of these. That’s why Instagram was invented though. Cheers.

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Chrissy Teigen Blows "Vagina Raspberry" on Brooklyn Decker; Life is Complete

Selena Gomez Crushes on Drake, Laments Lack of Big Butt

Look out, Khloe Kardashian: you’ve come some competition. With Kris Jenner pushing for her daughter to date Drake , Selena Gomez came out today and said in an interview with 103.3 AMP that she seriously crushes on this artist. She even tells herself that posts Drake writes on Twitter are for her eyes only. Selena Gomez: Crushing on Drake! So might Selena make a move on Drake? Nope. She doesn’t think she’s the star’s type. “I mean this in the nicest way,” Gomez said. “I just don’t have a big enough butt for Drake.” Drake said in an interview last month with Ellen DeGeneres that he’s dated Rihanna and Tyra Banks, but he did not list Selena as his celebrity crush. Instead, that honor apparently falls to… Kat Dennings?!? Gomez, meanwhile, is reportedly being wooed again by Justin Bieber . Insiders say he’s relying on some “major game” to get his ex-girlfriend back. Other insiders say Amanda Bynes ‘ split personalities are very jealous over Selena’s feelings for Drake. Sorry… too soon?

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Selena Gomez Crushes on Drake, Laments Lack of Big Butt