Tag Archives: movie-written


CULTURE BUZZ : The Harvard Lampoon will release a parody novel of Twilight about a young high school student named Belle Goose who moves to Switchblade, Oregon, and meets Edwart Mullen, a “super-hot computer nerd with zero interest in girls.” If anything, it'll be a book that you can finally relate to.

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Colton "Colt" Harris-Moore

CULTURE BUZZ : The Barefoot Burglar is BuzzFeed's new favorite outlaw. He's an 18-year-old fugitive who's been eluding police in Washington State for over a year, and his new crime of choice is stealing and crashing small planes. He's 6'5”, lives mostly in the woods, has a growing Facebook fan club, and will be played by John Krasinski in a movie written by John Krakauer

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Colton "Colt" Harris-Moore