Tag Archives: moving-silent

Portland PD Release Video of #Occupy Protester Punching Police Horse in the Face


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The Portland Police Department is asking the public for information about the identity of the person involved in punching a police horse in the face during Thursday’s Occupy Portland riots. During the violence that day a protester struck a police … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 19/11/2011 00:05 Number of articles : 2

Portland PD Release Video of #Occupy Protester Punching Police Horse in the Face

UC Davis student claims he was forced to open mouth, receive pepper spray down throat from police


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[Video Link.] From N.A.: Full credit goes to “brwnjeanette” at Ustream and the Occupy UC Davis channel she setup and broadcasted during the moving silent walk of shame/protest of Chancellor Katehi on Saturday, November 19, 2011. She obtained this interview with Willee Roberts, who deserves even more credit for taking a nonviolent, powerful stance against Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Boing Boing Discovery Date : 20/11/2011 07:28 Number of articles : 2

UC Davis student claims he was forced to open mouth, receive pepper spray down throat from police