Tag Archives: much-contact

Lindsay Lohan’s Red Lipstick on a Redhead Fetish of the Day

Lindsay Lohan’s old face having red lipstick applied to her gutter mouth that has had so much contact with random genitals…is porn to at least one person, and that person happens to be me… I am a huge Lohan fan, watching her fade into obscurity has brought me great joy, I am just waiting until she really hits rock bottom and I can find her on some street corner and nurture her back to average at best actor who could win the Oscar for her roll in anything that involves her struggling, because the Oscars are a fucking scam and celebrate talentless hacks yearly..and Lohan…is no hack…she is the real fucking deal…and I may or may not be in love.

See the original post here:
Lindsay Lohan’s Red Lipstick on a Redhead Fetish of the Day