Tag Archives: music-annoying

Lily Collins is Hot of the Day

Lily Collins is hot. I normally make fun of celebrity kids – because I don’t respect nepotism – even in a world where nepotism is everything, I find it discounts everything the person accomplishes – and even if they are smart and talented thanks to being raised rich and being made out of award winning DNA. I also always found Phil Collins music annoying….I would argue the “In the Air Tonight” was the bane of my teenage years – and for some reason it would rape my ears everytime it was on the radio – which was all the time – as most women who were very into Phil Collin, despite him being a bald british elf and his music is what they’d make us fuck to… But Lily Collins…is hot and that’s enough for me to ignore the trust fund and inheritance she’ll be getting – from all the terrible but popular music…plus I can focus on her being raised in LA by her mom while dad was on the road fucking groupies – leading to daddy issues that are so much deeper than the daddy issues of non-rich girls….because rich girls can afford to be bigger victims about the shit -as they don’t have to work as strippers to fill that void… Making this one ALL the better….I wish I could feel her coming in my facial hair tonight….DROWN ME LILY COLLINS – DROWN ME WITH YOUR PUSSY LIKE I WAS THE GUY YOUR DAD SINGS ABOUT IN THAT SONG…because drowning on pussy squirt is one of my dreams and it seems like it’d be appropriate… The post Lily Collins is Hot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lily Collins is Hot of the Day