Tag Archives: myriad-traffic

Amanda Bynes’ Family: Worried About Her!

Amanda Bynes’ family is increasingly concerned about the (retired) actress and want to move her back to L.A. Of course, she has no interest in this. At issue? Her bizarre behavior from the moment she fled to NYC, and even prior to that, when she was involved in myriad traffic incidents in 2012. Lately, though, her antics have gone from lovably nutty to weirdly worrisome. The cheek piercings , the eviction, the Tweet about Drake murdering her vagina … all of this has family and friends growing “concerned for her welfare.” Her West Coast-based family wants her to move out of the Big Apple, but she refuses , which makes it difficult for them to step in and help. Still, Amanda’s family is willing to do whatever it takes, reportedly. They might want consider taking the LAX-JFK red eye tonight.

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Amanda Bynes’ Family: Worried About Her!