Tag Archives: naturally-hates

LHHNY: Dirty Dog Peter Gunz Is Getting Dragged Uptown Baby For Trying To Get Back With Tara…Again

Peter Gunz Tries To Get Tara Back Peter Gunz just won’t learn, will he? The dirtiest dog in all of reality show history tried it again Monday night but going after Tara, his baby momma, while he’s still married to Amina. This is about the 1,793rd time Peter has tried to dirty dog between the two women and it’s a disaster every time. Twitter naturally hates Peter for all of this back and forth and slander him every time. Last night was another case of Peter getting dragged away to glory. And it’ll probably happen again soon. SMH.

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LHHNY: Dirty Dog Peter Gunz Is Getting Dragged Uptown Baby For Trying To Get Back With Tara…Again