Thank you, Muse Magazine. By mixing style, class and old-school sophistication with crazy hot Kate Upton pictures in a new photo shoot, they’ve given everyone something to appreciate. Umm, and did we mention … Kate Upton is nude in this photo shoot?! Channeling her inner Marilyn Monroe no less? Eat your heart out, Lindsay Lohan … The array of photos, taken by Sebastian Faena, vary from a black-and-white portrait to a full-body profile with Upton in nothing but a pair of stilletto pumps. Gulp. We can’t figure out which we like more: These new pictures or Kate’s Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover . You know what, though? Why must one have to choose? Just gaze upon the Michigan native’s natural beauty, click to enlarge the Muse pics below, concentrate hard on not drooling too obviously, then thank us later: [Photos: Muse/Sebastian Faena]
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Kate Upton: Nude in Muse Magazine!