Tag Archives: neat-little

Pet Status

Link: http://www.petstatus.com/ Pet Status is twitter, but for pets. Really. I went ahead and registered my dog, Bob , for the service. Join him. I wonder if Medlar is on there? Read

The Power Of The Force

Jesus Diaz over at Gizmodo produced this neat little info-graphic to help explain Darth Vader's famous line, ” The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force. “. Of course you nerds already know what the power of the force is all about. It's to do with magnets, right ? Click through for a bigger version. View

Space Turtles!

Every time I come up with a good way for turtles to conquer the universe, someone goes and outs me. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Hierarchy Of The Dead

A neat little hierarchy of dead things… it's not as icky as it sounds.

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Hierarchy Of The Dead

Asians Who Love Their Body Pillows

Out of 4 billion Asians, there are bound to be some lonely horny ones. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

The Golden Age of Video

A collection of clips form some of the world's most well known movies and TV shows, mashed up into a surprisingly catchy song. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Red Ball 2 (Game Battle)

Help the circular red king find his crown.

Red Ball 2 (Game Battle)