Tag Archives: need-the-dreads

Zippora Seven in SLOGGI Underwear of the Day

Her name is Zippora Seven and she’s from New Zealand… She was a nude hippie model at 16 because her parents were likely hippies, they named her Zippora…that’s “Melanie in Hippie”… She isn’t nude is in this campaign, because I guess she’s finally made it in America…she lives in America…and she’s not naked for a campaign that actually paid…. She’s not a trashy hooker cam girl…she’s Fashion motherfuckers…but she’s as naked…as a cam girl if you google her… I feel like I always say the same thing about her, but what the fuck amI supposed to say about a bitch named Zippora in some underwear campaign…that no one really cares about..but who I assume has a wikipedia…making her better than you…unless you’re more famous her…which you probably are since the only people who read this site according to Google Analytics…are from Beverly Hills… The post Zippora Seven in SLOGGI Underwear of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Zippora Seven in SLOGGI Underwear of the Day

Zoe Kravitz for Wonderland Magazine of the Day

Zoe Kravitz is showing her panties for Wonderland Magazine because she’s an artist, and by artistic I mean she has rich and famous Lenny Kravitz and Cosby Show / Differnt Strokes Denise….and that’s why she matters…or is trying to matter…because she wants to break free from that…using daddy’s name…and contacts… She blocked me on social media early on…I guess she doesn’t like the site, or my trolling….it’s not artistic enough for her, even though I’m more an artist that she’ll ever be, and I’m a drunken fool who can’t write…draw or really do anything…but maybe shit on girls…and I don’t need the dreads and fake everything, funded by her trust fund, to prove that…but she does…she matters… Here she is in a magazine….being an “artist”…. Here she is in a bikini.. TO See Her in a Bikini in Miami the other day…. CLICK HERE The post Zoe Kravitz for Wonderland Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Originally posted here:
Zoe Kravitz for Wonderland Magazine of the Day