Tag Archives: needed-lessons

Rihanna’s Clown Hair Continues of the Day

The only reason I like Rihanna is because some Barbados people I know told me that she was a 15 year old hooker at a karaoke bar who fucked with the right dude and ended up “Rihanna” the shanty goddess of the music industry…I figure her story teaches girls much needed lessons in life… I also like Rihanna because I know she’s falling from the top and I know she’s been replaces with other garbage music…cuz these pop stars with no substance and no soul are easily replaced and fogotten….so seeing her struggle to stay on top is gonna be entertaining…. But none of that positivity towards her can take away from my hatred of her and everything her thick cunt ass in leather pants does or is associated with…not excluding her crying to the police and ruining Chris Brown’s career after starting up with him out of crazy cunt jealousy… If the devil exists…I’m pretty sure he is Rihanna… To See Her New Album Cover…An album we hope is the nail in the coffin of her career…and by we I mean I….Where She’s Making Whore Blowjob faces she used to get her fame gig back when she was hooking in Barbados Karaoke bars at 14…Follow this link… GO

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Rihanna’s Clown Hair Continues of the Day