This is an amazing article and that’s all there is to it. I mean what better way to celebrate a pretty bullshit list that may not be life changing or genius, and that may not have taken much more than a google search by an intern and an hour to compile…of “girls who have been topless who have been on TV at least once and we’ll just pretend they are stars…”….coupled with no fear of a lawsuit from the evil paparazzi and film companies who always threaten to sue me for posting clips of girls topless in their movies and Tv shows…. than to have a Glamour model present the shit by getting topless….Danica Thrall looks hot…and 101 screen caps of bitches showing tits…isn’t all that bad either….if anything there’s something for everyone in there…like a menu at a family chain of restaurants, the titty version….I’m just glad I didn’t order the white sauce… Good job NUTS on this masterpiece…
Continued here:
Danica Thrall Presents 101 Topless TV Stars of the Day