Tag Archives: never-written

My name’s Katelen and I’ve never written anything…

My name’s Katelen and I’ve never written anything like this before, so here  it goes!   I live in Perth, Australia and I’m nearly 14 years old. In late 2010 (December) Justin’s first Australian tour came on pre-sale and I knew I would never be able to afford tickets. So Mum and I entered all the competitions you can enter for tickets to his concerts, or even more; a meet and greet as well. Tickets kept on selling out so I’d cry, then they’d release more tickets so everything would be alright. I saw so, so, so, so many competition winners be announced from the radio stations, music t.v shows, newspapers and even social messaging sites (MSN). Everyday I got so jealous.  On April 18th I got a mention from a girl on Twitter saying “Congrats on winning the Justin Bieber Competition”. I instantly got very excited and replied “Which one?” because I’d entered a lot of them. I logged onto my emails to find 2 emails from ninemsn – I cried. The first one was just a “Congratulations you won!”, the second one was from a Representative. Confirming my address and phone number as my phone had been turned off from being at school. Julia (The Representative) rang me and told me personally that I was going to meet my idol! I also had the choice to choice a friend; I chose my Mum. She was the one who helped all this happen after all.   The morning of 7th of May was very hectic. My dad came around to get my brothers because mum and I wouldn’t be home until late. I was the only one home my mum had to take my brother to one of his competitive football games north of Perth. 12 o’clock wouldn’t come quick enough! 12 o’clock came and we arrived at Burswood Dome at approximately 2:30pm. Bought some merchandise, and mingled with the other beliebers. At 4:30 we had to meet Pat at the box office, and he gave us and about 100 more fans their wristbands. We walked through the stadium, and backstage to see Alfredo, Ryan, Dan and Kenny! Justin was waiting behind the black curtain and we had to go in groups of 4. We went in with 2 other random girls. At first I wasn’t going to stand next to stand next to Justin, I stood next to the other girl and my Mum was about to walk around to the other side when Kenny asked her “Is this your daughter ma’am?” So he moved the other girl around the other side so me, mum and Justin could stand next to each other! (I’m on the right of Justin, and My mum’s the one looking over).   We then got escorted out into the stadium and waited there until all the meet and greets were over. Then we went to the main area. We could either go outside or stay in there and get to our seats first, we decided to stay inside as the lines were kilometres long. We were allowed to go to our seats first; it was empty! Then swarms of other girls entered and soon it eventually was full! The show started late, and Dash and Will; the opening act came on, Then DJ Tay James came on and DJ’ed for 15 minuted then it started!! I couldn’t contain my excitement! I swear Justin pointed at me during ‘U Smile’ and ‘Somebody To Love’ but it could’ve been someone next to, behind, or in front of me! At the end of the concert I had no voice, and my Mum couldn’t hear anything! We got home after midnight because of detours. That was My Bieber Experience! Read the rest here: My name’s Katelen and I’ve never written anything…

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My name’s Katelen and I’ve never written anything…

Snooki — I’ve NEVER Written a Check Before in My Life

Filed under: Snooki , Jwoww , TV , Jersey Shore She’s made a TON of cash in the last few years — but Snooki claims she’s never written a real check before in her life … and now she’s gonna exploit the hell out of her bank ignorance on her upcoming spin-off. It’s just another one of the jewels we… Read more

The rest is here:
Snooki — I’ve NEVER Written a Check Before in My Life

Nancy O’Dell is My Inspiration of the Day

Nancy O’Dell is the reason I even know what celebrity gossip is. She’s really the mentor who I’ve never met who has guided me and inspired me to get into this world in the firt place

Nancy O’Dell is My Inspiration of the Day