Tag Archives: nice-or-suck

Magdalena Frackowiak Ass in a Thong for Fashion of the Day

Magdalena Frackowiak is the Polish cunt who was fired from Victoria’s Secret, but who you know was an asshole to everyone around her the second she signed the Victoria’s Secret contract, because that’s how these egotistical pieces of shit work…they get the validation of what they always felt they deserved in their souls and turn evil…because they don’t have to play nice or suck up anymore…they have money now…no more sucking dick for rent or dinner… Luckily it didn’t last very long for this one, like a sex worker sent back to war torn Russia after her mail order bride situation failed, forced to try new tactics…like this. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Magdalena Frackowiak Ass in a Thong for Fashion of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Magdalena Frackowiak Ass in a Thong for Fashion of the Day