Tag Archives: nicole-browns

Kim Kardashian’s Fat Tits for the Superbowl of the Day

I didn’t watch the Superbowl because I don’t care about Football or any sports for that matter, I find the whole concept of watching a bunch of dudes competing for nothing but an imaginary cup or trophy is pretty fucking homo. Sure you can pretend it is a manly thing to do, but really paying these dudes millions of dollars to get you all excited and screaming is prostitution. Speaking of men, here’s Kim Kardashian, a man with the stupidest tits, like some kind of science experiment. Some say she’s the reason the Saints won, I say I hope the fact that Saints won, makes Reggie go OJ and Nicole Browns the bitch…. Pics via Bauer

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Kim Kardashian’s Fat Tits for the Superbowl of the Day