The prestigious Teen Choice Awards aired last night on Fox, honoring the younger crowd’s favorites in television, film, music and other genres of entertainment. Follow this link for a full list of Teen Choice Award winners , then get ready to vote in our latest style showdown. Which hunk do you think was better dressed? Channing Tatum, who won a TCA for G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra , didn’t even bother to fasten the top button, but somehow it works. For him. Not for you. David Beckham, meanwhile … wait, why was David Beckham at the Teen Choice Awards? Oh, right, to win the coveted Choice Athlete honor. Congrats!!! Who cares about awards anyway, right? Both of them look handsome with their facial hair and rolled-up sleeves. Vote on who’s got the better style below! Who was better dressed at the TCAs?
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Teen Choice Awards Fashion Face-Off: Channing Tatum vs. David Beckham